At Yea Primary School, we aim to provide a safe environment with opportunities for everyone to flourish. To help ensure that we can fulfil this aim, the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support framework has been adopted as our key behaviour management strategy.
The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework involves collecting and frequently reviewing information and data about behaviour in our school. It involves the development of clear and positive expectations that are agreed upon by the whole school community including teachers, support staff, parents and students. Expected behaviours are explicitly taught like the way we teach academic skills.
With input from our school community, we have developed our SWPBS Behaviour Matrix, which provides us all with clear expectations for behaviour in different school environments. We have been making our way through these expectations in all of our classrooms and at assembly.
We wanted to share this document with our wider parent community, so everyone is aware of our shared expectations.
© Yea Primary School